Asylum children must have as good well-being and development as other children in Denmark, as well as a fair legal process

What do we offer?
Vores Asylbørn is an association whose purpose is to ensure the well-being and development of asylum children by offering legal advice, contact persons/family treatment and looking after the interests of asylum children politically.
The association’s unique approach has resulted in 95% of our children and families at risk of deportation receiving residence permits and ensuring the children’s well-being and development via family treatment and contact person arrangements, so that no further measures or placements have been necessary.
The association also collaborates with the country’s municipalities, immigration lawyers and other actors.

Do you want to volunteer at Vores Asylbørn?*
As a volunteer, you commit to:
- 2 hours of work per week at times that suit you for a minimum of 6 months at a time
- Participation in the monthly volunteer meetings in Copenhagen (typically on Thursdays 6-7.30pm)
We offer:
- A mini-course in “Immigration Act, asylum process and trends”
- Ongoing sparring and supervision
* Regardless of the task you carry out in the association, you must be able to agree with the association’s guidelines and values and consent to us obtaining child certificates on an ongoing basis.

Are you an asylum seeker and need help?
We can help you in several ways:
- Get help with legal advice at the same time as we support your child/children in their well-being
- Get help and support to promote better conditions and legislation in the area of asylum
I came to Denmark in 2015 because my two children were staying in Denmark. After my visa expired, I had to leave and go back but I decided to stay because I never wanted to leave my children at a young age.
In 2016 I went and applied for asylum and I was rejected so I had to be deported back to my country. Even though I had given the authorities all the documents needed they didn’t recognize the fact that I have children in Denmark who needs their mother.
I know there are hundreds of people especially women who are going through the same situation like mine.
Never lose hope!

You can always contribute with an optional amount – please mark the transfer as ‘donation’. We greatly appreciate contributions of all sizes! You can transfer to us via bank transfer to reg. nr. 9570 & account nr. 13837260 or via MobilePay at nr. 20343.
Thank you very much in advance!
For just 150 DKK per year, you can become a member of Our Asylum Children. Sign up as a member here, and you will receive an email from us confirming your membership, where you can sign up for Betalingsservice (payment service).
You can always unsubscribe by replying to the email sent to you or by writing to us.
You can also help us for free by following us and sharing stories from our Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook page.
That way, you can help more people get to know about us, and help advocate for the rights of asylum children and families in Denmark.
Thank you for that!